Posted by Brendan McLaughlin

Looking for some backing tracks to jam along with? Ive been recording some basic backing tracks for people to download and play along with.  Currently they're available for free from and I will have them up on other web mediums at a later date but for now, here they are.

Last Updated 11th November 2023

Posted by Brendan McLaughlin

Here is a list of all my music you can listen to here or download from the website,

Ive just started uploading music here and consolidating everything to this website or my bandcamp download hosting site so the music will available in both locations

Lofi guitar music 

I've been experimenting with some lofi / downtempo / chillout electronics music combined with some simple guitar playing.
This is a new experiment for me so hope you enjoy it.

[Download Shhh!.mp3 via this link]

[Download VShock.mp3 via this link]